Friday, April 24, 2009

Learn Cocoa Update

I just wanted to post a quick update about Learn Cocoa. Dave and I have gotten ourselves spread pretty thin. We have a number of projects in the pipeline for Apress, most of which we can't announce the details of yet.

Unfortunately, as a result, Learn Cocoa's publication date kept getting pushed further and further back. To remedy that, and to make sure we get a quality book to market in a reasonable timeframe, Dave and I have brought in a new principal author for Learn Cocoa. Jack Nutting has taken over the reins of the book, but Dave and I will still be involved with it. Jack's got a lot of Objective-C and Cocoa experience and Dave and I are both confident that it's going to be a great book.

In related news, we should be able to take the wraps off of our other projects by WWDC at the latest.

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