If you've followed the guidelines in Apple's Model Object Implementation Guide when creating your data model objects, you can handle your UITableView updates using KVO. This frees you from having to spread calls to reloadData, insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, or deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: throughout your controller class wherever the data in your table might get changed.
Instead, all you have to do is observe the keypath on your data model object that holds the collection of items being displayed in the table. The easiest way to do that is in your table view controller's viewDidLoad method, like so:
Then, you just implement observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context to insert or remove rows based on changes to the observed collection. The information about which rows were inserted or deleted comes in the changes dictionary stored under the key NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey. The information comes in the form of index sets, and those have to be converted to index paths in order to update the table. But that's the only thing about this code that isn't fairly straightforward, and this implementation is fairly generic, so you should be able to pretty much copy and paste it into your controller if you want to use it.
If you do do this, make sure you remove all the other remove and insert calls, otherwise you will double-delete and double-insert, which will cause errors at runtime.
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
Once you've done this, you can forget about reloading your table. Any changes made to the underlying data - even changes made on other threads (assuming your data model class is thread-safe) will automatically trigger an animated deletion or insertion. Although the code above may look a little intimidating, this actually allows a much cleaner overall design.
I've created a fairly simple Xcode project that illustrates using KVO to update a table view.
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